FAQ How long does it take for goods to reach from china to India
How long does it take for goods to reach from china to India
Air Cargo Sea Cargo Road Cargo
Import via Air (Airlines Transport usually takes 12 to 15 days)
The time taken for goods imported from China to reach India via air is usually around 15 days, this time can be decreased but everything depends on the country’s customs policy. At IFC we have best custom coordination team, in-house CHA-Custom House Agent Mr. Himanshu Dang (LLB/MBA/CHA-F Card)that’s makes sure your goods delivered to you as soon as possible.
Import via Sea (Via Cargo Ship usually takes 35 to 50 days)
The time it takes for goods to reach from China to India via sea cargo depends on many factors. Importing products from China to India via sea cargo is significantly cheaper than importing them through air. It may take about 35 to 50 days for sea cargo to traverse the long distance from China to India.
The time it takes for goods to reach from China to India via sea cargo depends on the following three factors:
Goods that are shipped from China to India via sea cargo are carried by different cargo ships. Each ship takes different route and makes stops at different ports. It is possible that the ship carrying your goods may be diverted to a port other than India due to inclement weather or natural disasters. This means that the time it takes for goods to reach from China to India via sea cargo can be much more than what you had estimated initially.
The documentation for importing goods from China to India via sea cargo is complicated. The paperwork may take a lot of time. Plus, the paperwork has to be completed before the cargo ships set sail.
The time it takes for goods to reach from China via sea cargo depends on the time it takes for customs to clear the goods formally. This can take one or two weeks.
As you can see, importing products from China to India via sea cargo is somewhat complicated. It may take 35 to 50 days for the goods to reach India, up to four months in rare cases.
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